Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chesterfield Michigan - Family Photographer

 That's all right Mother Nature, we won't let you keep us down!

That has been my theme song all spring this year. This super sweet family came in over the weekend for a session and yes, of course, it was raining and cold. But we had a jolly time indoors despite the weather. Connor (aka Colton) and Nathan did such a great job and were such a joy to work with. Can't you just see the fun in their eyes! An explanation is order for the image of the boys and their dad...I know it seems an odd image for a portrait but it was just after Nathan sneezed...sneezed unexpectedly...sneezed unexpectedly on dad.... sneezed unexpectedly on dad and thought as only little boys can, that it was hilarious! Love those unscripted moments! Thanks Lauren and Chris, Nathan and Connor for choosing Beth Eggert Photography for your family session. It was great to meet you all.


  1. These images brought a smile to my face. I can just hear the laughter of the boys as I look at these!

  2. Very sweet family. As a mom to 3 boys, I have to hand it to you. It's not easy to get them to relax in front of the camera but you did an amazing job making them comfortable. I love their smiles!

  3. What darling boys with fantastic smiles. I can relate to the sneeze shot. I have a son with allergies who is always sneezing on someone! Hasn't this weather been crazy, all over the US too. I've had to move many spring sessions in doors. Thanks goodness we can! LOL

  4. It looks a whole lot of laughing going on- what fun! Love the images!

  5. Love that you captured 'real' family pictures! Sometimes its OK to be silly :)

  6. These are so fun Beth!! I bet they will have a hard time picking images to put on there walls since they're all great!


Zach and Rebecca

Geraldine and Jason

Stephannie and Adam