Monday, May 23, 2011

Beth Eggert Photography - Chesterfield Michigan Senior Photographer

 Feels Like Home
For six springs I spent every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday sitting in the bleachers at LCN watching a group of great girls work hard together as a team to accomplish great things. This is my first year not in the bleachers and it was bittersweet. In a way, it was a blessing - it's been such a wet and dreary spring! On the other hand, I've missed it so much! I was always amazed at the talent, the passion, the fitness and the camaraderie that this sport inspired in our young women. I was so happy when a couple of the girls got in touch and asked if I would please come do our annual team photo shoot! It's always so nice to be invited back! It was my pleasure to spend a bit of time with these terrific young ladies as they wind down their regular season and start gearing up for districts. Good Luck Girls!

1 comment:

Zach and Rebecca

Geraldine and Jason

Stephannie and Adam