Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's a New Year!

So many times during the year in my pre-session consults, I'll ask "mom" when the last time the family had a session done and I usually hear some excuse for not getting the portraits taken. And I've heard all the excuses. Believe me, I'm very familiar with them, having used them myself over the years. But let's be real for a minute. This is a lesson my own mother taught me. Every year, my parents who live out of state come to town to visit once or twice. Usually while they are here I try to get some portraits of my daughters with them. A few years back, my mom told me she was really excited about the upcoming shoot. She told me that when she is gone or
too old to travel anymore, she wants my girls to have these images to remember her by. Memories of the actual photo session and memories of the special things they do together at this point in their lives. Some years we do really well and get a full session in, others not so much. But my mom taught me that the memories are more important than those pounds you think you need to lose or those wrinkles that need to be removed. I decided this holiday break that I was going to be positive like my mom. Hopefully, my girls will look back one day with fond memories of the time we spent in the studio and think about all the things we do together at this point in our lives - not about the chub that I see on myself or the wrinkles that I wish weren't there.

They are growing up so fast. One in college and another one her way to college in a few short months. The youngest is finishing her last year of elementary! I look at the beautiful young women they are becoming and I'm so grateful to have these images of us together. I know in the blink of an eye they will all be living on their own.

Zach and Rebecca

Geraldine and Jason

Stephannie and Adam