Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Look who came home!

Yep...my dear daughter and her boyfriend are home for the holidays! It is so nice to spend more than a few hours with the kids and have time enough to relax and have some fun with them. I'm happy to say, both did really well thier first semester at college! And it was so nice of Brian to volunteer to come over for a few shots! That will teach him to joke about a session in front of me!!
I can hardly wait for them to be home for the summer... love you guys.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Happy Turkey Day! I hope this Thanksgiving finds everyone happy and healty and enjoying time with thier families. We managed to get away for a bit this year. Instead of heading south like we normally do, we ended up going North of all things...North, you know, cold, snow, winter..brrrrr...but it's been pretty nice. The weather while cold isn't frigid and there is just enough of the white stuff to make being outside a bit of fun instead of drudergy....of course when someone else is responsible for the snow removal it's always more enjoyable!
I dragged my dd outside one afternoon to grab a few shots of her here in lovely Northern MI. She is such a good sport! And she even went sledding, a pasttime she has sworn off since she was about 10. She, too, is more of a sun and fun gal!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ta Da......

Introducing: 2010 Senior Models!

I'm so excited to begin working with the Class of '10 Models. We had a chance to get together for a quick shoot to launch the Class of 2010 Program. Watch out '09...here they come!

Please meet Marie, Brittanii, Amanda, Chelsea, DD and Zach! Over the next year or so, you will be seeing alot of my models. Just as in years past, my models and I will get together and do a few extra shoots during the year! Be sure to look for the BE Shirts as seen here. Check the blog frequently and you too could win some exciting stuff! We'll be holding some fun contests and giving away some great prizes...stay tuned

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Here's J!

Meet J. We had a perfect evening for J's outdoor session..the sun was shining..it was just a bit chilly but otherwise, an absolutely gorgeous night to shoot. I love shooting at the George George Park..it offers so many choices and no two sessions ever feel the same there. We even managed to get a bit of fall color in as well. Thanks J, for choosing me to photograph your Senior Portraits! I have a ton from both the studio and location to go through. Mom's going to have a terrible time choosing!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Here's E!

Meet E. We headed out for his location session on a decent evening...the sun wasn't shining but it was still there, hidden behind the clouds and it created a lovely soft evening light...the best kind of light actually. The only draw back was....can you guess...THE BUGS!...I swear I just can't bet a break from those mesquitos...they were everywhere...E was a good sport though and since the park was pretty much empty we were able to get his session done lickey-split. Of course it helps that he poses so well...I think he's a natural. Maybe he took some lessons from his big brother! Thanks E....it was great to work with you again.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Heeerrreeeees J!

Talk about killer eyes..this girl's got 'em. I've been amazed at how all the girls I've photographed this year and the guys too for that matter, have such beautiful eyes. J's eyes just sparkle and you know how sometimes when you meet someone you can just tell they are a boatload of fun and they shine? J does...

Luckily, the bugs were gone for our session and even the sun made an appearance while we were working. No crazy Squirrels like we were dodging at R's session earlier in the week and we barely needed the bug spray...although I was still glad I had it! Thanks J...it was great meeting you and your mom!

Here's R!

What a sweety and what a good sport R is...I don't think I've ever seen such a swarm of bugs at one time!!! We were swattting and and swatting until are arms were sore..and poor R was great at holding a pose until I got the shot despite the buggies on her face and in her hair...She's such a beautiful girl and so sweet! I had a great time even though we were fighting the light and the mequitos. I love the images and am sure you will too.

Here's CC

Aaawww sweet CC....I think I might of scared CC with my crazy ways but we had a great time at both of her sessions! CC is just too sweet and such a beautiful girl. We did her outdoor session at the Ocatgon house which I love to shoot at. It's such a unique location with so much to include in a photography session. CC it was so great to meet you and your mom.

Meet A!

Oh My Gosh...sometimes session can just be so fun and different. This was a first for me...a dirt bike to be worked in...let me tell you those things are heavy and big! A rides - and I gather from talking to her mom, she rides alot and well to boot. And speaking of boots, those are some heavy duty boots...I think A must be convinced I am the biggest whimp since I could barley lift her boots when we were shooting.

Thanks for coming to the studio A!

Zach and Rebecca

Geraldine and Jason

Stephannie and Adam